Robotics ResearcherMy research attempts to integrate cognitive robots into smart factories and social environments through the embodiment of AI solutions, inspired by the human behavior, into robotic devices. From the economical perspective, cognitive robots have the potential to significantly increase the productivity and the flexibility of modern enterprises. From the social point of view, robots with embodied AI capabilities will improve the working conditions and will guarantee seamless care and assistance to people in need.
Current Projects
- INVERSE - Interactive robots that intuitively learn to invert tasks by reasoning about their execution, Horizon Europe EU project. Role: Project Coordinator
- MAGICIAN - iMmersive leArninG for ImperfeCtion detectIon and repAir through human-robot interactioN, Horizon Europe EU project. Role: Task Leader
- ARIEL - Assistive Robotics for Impaired and Elderly peopLe, NextGenerationEU PRIN project. Role: Co-PI
- iNEST - Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem. NextGenerationEU project. Role: Task Leader
Past Projects
- OLIVER - Open-Ended Learning for Interactive Robots Free-Form Application, Euregio Project, FWF. Role: Researcher
- ROLITOS - Robotic light touch support during locomotion in balance impaired individuals, TUM IGSSE Independent Research Project, DFG. Role: Researcher
- GINA - hochwertig Gestaltete INteraktionsstrategien für service- und Assistenzrobotik, BMBF. Role: Researcher
- SAPHARI - Safe and Autonomous Physical Human-Aware Robot Interaction, FP7 EU project. Role: Researcher
- AIRobots - Innovative aerial service robots for remote inspections by contact, FP7 EU project. Role: Researcher
News & Updates
- 17/01/2024 - Three papers accepted in ICRA'23!.
- "Safe Execution of Learned Orientation Skills with Conic Control Barrier Functions" by Zheng Shen, Matteo Saveriano, Fares Abu-Dakka, and Sami Haddadin.
- "A Passive Variable Impedance Control Strategy with Viscoelastic Parameters Estimation of Soft Tissues for Safe Ultrasonography" by Luca Beber, Edoardo Lamon, Davide Nardi, Daniele Fontanelli, Matteo Saveriano, and Luigi Palopoli.
- "Receding-Constraint Model Predictive Control Using a Learned Approximate Control-Invariant Set" by Gianni Lunardi, Asia La Rocca, Matteo Saveriano, and Andrea Del Prete.
- 07/12/2023 - The Antifragility Group's website is up and running!
- 05/12/2023 - One journal paper accepted!
- "Antifragile Control Systems: The case of mobile robot trajectory tracking under uncertainty and volatility" by Cristian Axenie and Matteo Saveriano.
- 24/08/2023 - Two journal papers accepted!
- "VBOC: Learning the Viability Boundary of a Robot Manipulator using Optimal Control" by Asia La Rocca, Matteo Saveriano and Andrea Del Prete.
- "Learning stable robotic skills on Riemannian manifolds" by Matteo Saveriano, Fares J. Abu-Dakka and Ville Kyrki.
- 22/06/2023 - One paper accepted in IROS'23!.
- "Orientation Control with Variable Stiffness Dynamical Systems" by Youssef Michel, Matteo Saveriano, Fares J. Abu-Dakka, and Dongheui Lee.
- 11/04/2023 - One journal paper accepted!
- "Continual Learning from Demonstration of Robotics Skills" by Sayantan Auddy, Jakob Hollenstein, Matteo Saveriano, Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez and Justus Piater.
- 17/01/2023 - One paper accepted in ICRA'23!.
- "Dynamical System-based Imitation Learning for Visual Servoing using the Large Projection Formulation" by Antonio Paolillo, Paolo Robuffo Giordano and Matteo Saveriano.
- 15/11/2022 - Three journal papers accepted!
- "Learning and extrapolation of robotic skills using task-parameterized equation learner networks", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, by Hector Villeda, Justus Piater, Matteo Saveriano.
- "Learning Deep Robotic Skills on Riemannian manifolds", IEEE Access, by Weitao Wang, Matteo Saveriano, Fares J. Abu-Dakka.
- "Action Noise in Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning: Impact on Exploration and Performance", Transactions on Machine Learning Research, Jakob Hollenstein, Sayantan Auddy, Matteo Saveriano, Erwan Renaudo, Justus Piater.
- 26/09/2022 - One paper accepted in HUMANOIDS'22!
- "Affordance detection with Dynamic-Tree Capsule Networks" by Antonio Rodriguez-Sanchez, Simon Haller, David Peer, Chris Engelhardt, Jakob Mittelberger, Matteo Saveriano.
- 01/02/2022 - One paper accepted in ICRA'22!
- "Learning Stable Dynamical Systems for Visual Servoing" by Antonio Paolillo and Matteo Saveriano.
- 17/12/2022 - I have been appointed Assistant Professor (with tenure track) at the University of Trento, Italy.
- 28/10/2021 - I will give an invited talk at the "14th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2021)", Bologna, Italy (online).
- 01/06/2021 - I will give an invited talk at the workshop "Semantic Policy and Action Representation for Autonomous Robots (SPAR)". IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), September 27, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic (online).
- 01/06/2021 - I will organize a full-day workshop at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Fares Abu-Dakka, Matteo Saveriano, Jeannette Bohg, Matej Hoffmann, Variable Impedance Robotics skills: Challenges and Opportunities, September 27, Prague, (Czech Republic).
- 29/04/2021 - I received the Italian national scientific qualification (ASN) as Associate Professor in Computer Science.
- 28/01/2021 - I will give a talk about Making robots to learn from human observation? at the event “Showcasing Young Austrian Scientists and Scholars”, organized by the Austrian cultural forum, Ottawa (on-line).
- 14/01/2021 - I will give a talk about Hierarchical action decomposition and motion learning for the execution of manipulation tasks at the event "Hello Tyrol calling! Robotics Talk online", organized by GMAR, Salzburg (on-line).
- 22/10/2020 - I'm organizing the 2 days workshop 13th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2020)
- 22/10/2020 - One paper accepted in Frontiers in Robotics and AI!
- "Variable impedance control and learning - A review" by Fares J. Abu-Dakka and Matteo Saveriano
- 20/08/2020 - One paper accepted in SMC'20!
- "Reconfigurable Behavior Trees: Towards an Executive Framework Meeting High-Level Decision Making and Control Layer Features" by Pilar de la Cruz, Justus Piater, and Matteo Saveriano.
- 10/07/2020 - One paper accepted in RAL and invited for presentation to IROS'20!
- "Manipulation Planning using Object-centered Predicates and Hierarchical Decomposition of Contextual Actions" by Alejandro Agostini, Matteo Saveriano, Dongheui Lee, and Justus Piater
- 10/03/2020 - One paper accepted in ICRA'20!
- "An Energy-based Approach to Ensure the Stability of Learned Dynamical Systems" by Matteo Saveriano.
- 01/01/2020 - I have been appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Innsbruck.
- 15/07/2019 - I will give a talk about Learning Structured Robotic Tasks via Human Imitation at the School of Learning, perception, and Robotics (SPROuT), Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, Italy.
- 10/07/2019 - One paper accepted in RA-L
- "Intuitive Programming of Conditional Tasks by Demonstration of Multiple Solutions" by Eiband, Saveriano, and Lee.
- 20/06/2019 - One paper accepted in IROS'19!
- "Learning Barrier Functions for Constrained Motion Planning with Dynamical Systems" by Saveriano and Lee.
- 20/06/2019 - Our workshop Factory of the Future - How to digitalize the robot-aided manufacturing process in Industry 4.0? has been accepted at IROS'19!
- 03/06/2019 - After many years (7.5 WOW!) in Munich I moved to the University of Innsbruck to join the Department of Computer Science and the Digital Science Center (DiSC).